Dream of sweets

Person starting to dream about sweets

There are dreams and nightmares. And within dreams, when you have a sweet tooth or you like sweets, dreaming of sweets can be like being in paradise. Especially because afterwards you wake up wanting to savor on your palate that sweetness that is the first thing you put in your mouth.

Now, have you ever considered that dreaming of sweets is a good thing? Or maybe it's bad? What can happen if you dream of eating sweets or being given sweets? Don't worry, here we are going to analyze some of the meanings related to this.

Dream of sweets

For anyone who likes sweets this dream, Regardless of its meaning, it's kind of nice. Although it can be packed.

En general, dreaming of sweets is a good thing, because it indicates that news is going to arrive or a time that is going to be pleasant. But, to achieve it, you have to be predisposed to it, that is, open to what may come into your life.

Sweets are synonymous with joy, happiness, pleasure... And that in his dream also has the same meaning. But there are times when such a dream is not going to be pleasant. When? Shall we explain the different meanings?

What does it mean to dream of many sweets


Dreaming of many sweets can be a good thing, or a bad thing. What does it depend on? of the dream itself.

We could say that the general meaning of this dream is that you have a moment of happiness going on. It may be that you are having a good time with your partner, that you are doing well on a personal and professional level, that you have joy...

But, if what these sweets do is make you feel bad (for example because you eat too many, or because they cause you rejection when you see so many), you have to be careful, because could indicate that there is a guilt that does not let you restthat you can't get out of your head.

What does it mean to dream of eating something sweet


Imagine that in your dream you are eating something sweet. Yes, it is possible that right now you have the need to experience the same sensation that you had in your dream. Y the truth is that its meaning is that moments of great happiness will come, especially in the family and all around you.

It also indicates that problems you may have had may be resolved and that there are positive changes about to come into your life.

Dream of a candy store

Dreaming of a candy store, regardless of whether it is because you are buying or just to see it, it means something very positive. And is that you are at a time when you feel good about yourselfYou know who you are and you fight to get what you want. Until the point that you have achieved it.

This dream is related to success and also to wealthIt is a state that your subconscious tells you that you have managed to fulfill your dreams and that you are also someone who is admired by those around you.

Dream of many sweet cakes

Dream of sweets

In this case there are two different versions of dreaming of sweet cakes. On the one hand, the fact that there are many cakes indicates that you have a fixation on everyday pleasures, that is, you give priority to things that are not so important, leaving in the background those that are, especially to live well.

On the other hand, the meaning that others give it is totally different. And it is that, when there are many cakes (and it goes without saying that they are sweet), they talk about what it means to say that there is going to be a very profitable season, as if it were fun like a party that is not going to end.

Crossing both meanings, we can see that there is a relationship. And it is that a party indicates pleasures and if you focus only on those, but you do not take into account what really matters, you may end up missing something really important.

Dream about chocolate candies

Mix sweets with chocolate, although in real life it is something that is good, in dreams it may not have a good result.

When you dream of sweets you are emphasizing that you feel good about yourself, that you respect yourself, love yourself and know what is best for you, so your decisions are in accordance with you. But when those sweets are chocolate, things change. And it is that It is said that it is a sign that indicates that you are trying, perhaps too much, perhaps not, to conquer someone or something.. So the best thing is to stop and think if it is really worth continuing with that change or if it is better to leave it.

Dream that they give me sweets

Although in your dream the fact that they give you sweets has to be something very good, especially if you like them, actually the meaning is the opposite. In this case, it is related to something unpleasant.

It may be that you are going to live a strange situation, and not a positive one, such as a robbery, extortion, or even something related to your work.

Note that being given candy has always been seen as a bad thing (That "don't accept candy from strangers" thing). Well, in the dream it is something similar. Even if it is a relative or someone you know, your subconscious may want to tell you that the person who is going to betray you is closer to you than you think.

Dream about sour candy

Imagine that in your dream there is a lot of sweets. The problem is that, when you eat them, you realize that they are bitter, or in poor condition... That is, they taste the opposite of what they should.

And yes, just as you're thinking, that means it's a bad dream. The subconscious is warning you that you are going to have a disappointment, either in the couple, with the family, with friends or at work. You will go through a moment in which you had hope and everything will be cut short.

As you can see, dreaming of sweets in almost everything is positive, in addition to the fact that you can wake up with a very good joy both in your mouth and in your spirit. Have you ever dreamed about it?

? reference bibliography

All the information on the meaning and interpretation of this dream has been prepared using prestigious bibliography developed by leading psychoanalysts and experts in the field such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung or Mary Ann Mattoon. You can see all the details of the specific bibliography by clicking here.

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