Dream about a black horse

Black Horse

When we dream, not many times we have the possibility of influencing what our subconscious wants to show us. This is why we often come across strange things. Dreaming of a black horse is, as far as it goes, something we could say is normal.

But is it a good thing or a bad thing? What happens when we have those kinds of dreams? Here we explain everything to you.

Dream of a black horse

The meaning of dreaming of a black horse depends on several aspects. And it is that this animal, in black, represents hope and strength, but can also be something negative, in the sense that it becomes mysterious.

Generally, black horses are said to mean that you are rushing into something in your life, whether at work or personally, and that you should stop and look around you, both at what is there and at the people around you, focusing a little on others, and not just on yourself.

When in your dreams you see a black horse, indicates that you are going through an uncomfortable situation because you have a lot of uncertainty around you. It is true that it indicates that you are going to solve it, and that horse is seen as a guide, but in reality it can indicate that you have not paid attention to the details to make the most appropriate decisions.

What does it mean to see many black horses

If in your dream instead of a horse, what you see are many, do not fear. And it is thatIt is a good omen because it means that you will solve the problem you have and what is making you worry.

In this case, horses represent strength and faith about the next decisions or solutions that you are going to find regarding the situation that lies ahead.

Dream of riding a black horse

Another of the usual dreams that you can have is that of riding a horse. If when you wake up you remember that it was black, you should know that your subconscious is giving you a warning to focus a little on yourself, but without forgetting the others.

It is a way of telling you that you have to pay more attention to yourself, whether in health, work or even giving you a well-deserved break.

Now, you have to be careful since it can have another meaning: the one that you are going to leave your job, or you are going to have a person (or people) by your side who are going to require attention.

What does it mean to dream of a black horse attacking you?

black animal

When a black horse attacks you in your dream, be careful. And it is that the meaning given in such cases is that there is a betrayal around you. It can be from the family, from the couple, from friends, from co-workers... What is clear is that it will be from someone you trust.

Therefore, it is important to pay attention to your surroundings to "anticipate" or at least to know what decision you should make before it.

What does it mean to dream of a dead horse?

No one would like to dream of dead people in their dreams, but the truth is that it can happen, and although it is unpleasant, it actually has a meaning.

In this case, seeing a dead horse in your dream indicates that you have lost something or someone. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to all the people around you to know if there is a problem (in case you have not lost anything) in order to turn to it.

Dream of a black horse running

It may be that you assemble it or that you only see it. But whatever indicates is that you try to escape from all those problems that overwhelm you, that maybe you have too many things to take care of and you need freedom for your mind to recover.

Therefore, it is important that you try to take time for yourself and being able to rest from day to day that, even if you don't see it, can overload you.

Dream about the neighing of a black horse

black horses

Another of the memories that you can have from your dreams is that of a black horse neighing. If that sound is what you consider the most then the meaning is that you just did a self-discovery. In other words, that there is a joy because you have been able to get to know yourself a little better, perhaps to the point that it helps you solve a problem.

Dream about an affectionate black horse

black horse eyes

If in your dream the black horse is nice and meek, then it is giving you a warning, and not exactly a positive one.

What it is telling you is that you are worrying too much about your problems, and you're forgetting how good you are. You only have complaints about those problems, but you don't notice the rest. And worst of all, the thing that keeps you up at night is actually something you can't control (at least not right now).

Therefore, you have to pay attention to the signs and spend a little to find peace and, in this way, see things with different eyes.

Dream About Aggressive Black Horse

Sometimes it may happen that dreams are not as peaceful as one would like, and you may dream of an aggressive black horse that attacks or chases you. When that actually happens It's not bad, quite the opposite.

And it is possible that in your life you have been running away from a problem and, now, it is time to face it knowing, from that dream, that it is an omen that you will be victorious. Of course, you must have strength and will to reach the end of it.

In fact, if you turn that aggressive horse into a docile one, then it is telling you that you already have everything you need to solve the problems you have.

As you can see, dreaming of a black horse can have many meanings depending on what you remember from the dream. Therefore, a recommendation that we make if you want to find the meaning of your dreams is that, when you get up, write down everything you remember on a sheet of paper, the most representative. This way you can get much closer to what your subconscious is telling you.

? reference bibliography

All the information on the meaning and interpretation of this dream has been prepared using prestigious bibliography developed by leading psychoanalysts and experts in the field such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung or Mary Ann Mattoon. You can see all the details of the specific bibliography by clicking here.

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