Dream about school

Person starting to dream about school

When you're young and you have to go to class, dreaming about school is not something you want, especially since you already have enough to spend 5-6 hours there. However, have you ever thought that this dream could have a meaning?

What if you dream, now an adult, of school? What if you see children going to school? Below we reveal everything you need to know about this type of dream. Will it be positive or negative?

Dream about school

As usual, dreaming about school has two meanings, one positive and one negative. What does it depend on? Well, your state of mind. If you are happy and feel that you are doing well in life, then it could be a positive thing. But if, on the other hand, things are not going well for him (for example, because he is having a bad streak), this dream could indicate that he needs to go back to the beginning to solve what is preventing him from moving forward.

In most cases, the meanings given to dreams related to schools are not very positive, but they affect insecurities, problems or traumas from the past that have not been overcome. But it all depends on what you remember from the dream.

Thus, we are going to see some of the common dreams and what they mean for your subconscious.

What does it mean to dream of an unknown school


Surely you have ever had a dream where you did not know where you were. Maybe you knew how to get to the different places; or maybe not. In a school maybe?

If you have ever dreamed of an unknown school the meaning given to it is that new projects, challenges, challenges and problems are going to arrive, and that you will have to adapt to them and overcome them if you want to do well.

If in your dream you feel comfortable in the place, your mind already warns you that you will not have problems; On the contrary, if you are fearful, not knowing what to do or where to go, it can indicate that these new projects they're gonna come and they're gonna turn you upside down. Therefore, being prepared will help you emerge victorious.

What does it mean to dream of your school

high school

Do you want to know what it means to dream of your school? Has it happened to you that, in your dreams, you have become a boy or a girl again and have had to go to school? Believe it or not, it happens to more people than you think and the meaning is unmistakable: leave the past behind.

This dream It is a warning from your mind to stop thinking in that past that marked you and what is preventing you from moving forward; and think about the present or even the future.

And it is that, whether it is something good or bad that happened to you, you cannot change it. And delight in those feelings, pains, and traumas that he left you (or in experiences, joys, and memorable memories) It won't do you any good in your current life.

So you must cut with that memory and turn the page to look forward.

Dream of children going to school

In the dream, it may happen that you do not go to school directly, but you do see how many children go to school. Although due to the fact of being infants we have an interpretation of “innocence”, the truth is that it is not like that.

Dream of children going to school it means that your subconscious is telling you that you have so many worries that you need a break. Perhaps stress, responsibilities, etc. they are taking a toll on your state of mind and health, and that, in the long run, can kill your energy.

What does it mean to dream that I am in my old school

Has it ever happened to you that you dreamed that you were going back to your old school? It can be the primary school (or EGB) or the secondary school (or BUP). But this dream, which you might well think is reminiscing, is actually warns you that there is something that does not let you move forward.

We would say that there is a barrier, a brake in your past that prevents you from progressing, either in your work, in family life, or even in personal life. And this can affect negatively.

What does it mean to dream of being in high school

Dream about school

high school It is one of the moments that marks us the most. Our age makes us aware of many events. But also of traumas and situations that bring us closer to adulthood.

Dream about high school has two important meanings. On the one hand, that your mind warns you that changes are approaching and that these are positive because they will make you mature more, grow and lead a better life (as long as you make the right decisions, of course).

On the other hand, the second meaning It is an indicator that new projects arrive. It can be a new job, new responsibilities, a partner...

What does it mean to dream of being popular at school

Regardless of whether you were or not, dreaming of being popular at school is a good thing. Because indicates that you feel good about yourself, that is, that you are satisfied with your life and that both professionally and personally (or one or the other) makes you happy because you have achieved what you wanted. Or, at least, it is what you feel happy with.

In general, feeling popular is similar to feeling famous. All eyes are on you, and this can also carry a more hidden meaning, which is that there may be people who are not happy with your success, well that they hate you, that they feel jealous, etc. Those are the ones you will have to protect yourself from.

Dream about the schoolyard

One of the moments you looked forward to the most when you were at school was recess time. It means for you a time of freedom in which you did not have to attend to the teacher, be silent or pay attention.

So in your dream being on the playground at school tells you that you need to break free, that you are so full of things (work, responsibilities, harassment, anxieties...) that you will end up exploding if you don't take some time for yourself and enjoy life a little.

As you can see, there are many meanings of dreaming about school. Have you seen yourself reflected in any of them? Have you dreamed of something else? Tell us so we can help you.

? reference bibliography

All the information on the meaning and interpretation of this dream has been prepared using prestigious bibliography developed by leading psychoanalysts and experts in the field such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung or Mary Ann Mattoon. You can see all the details of the specific bibliography by clicking here.

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