What does it mean to dream of fish or fish?

What does it mean to dream of fish or fish

Today I'm going to show you what does it mean to dream of fish. If you are a sailing lover, if you like to swim on the beach or in the lakes, and go fishing from time to time, it is normal to have dreams with fish. Fish is a rich source of fatty acids and varied nutrients, essential for the body. If you are one of those who like to know information about rare marine species, such as swordfish, puffer fish, whales, sharks, etc.

It will also be normal for you to have dreams about these sea creatures. But if the dream does not seem to have a logical origin, or if it is recurring, then you have come to the right place. But you must bear in mind that the meaning about fish will vary a lot depending on the context and the situation of the dreamer. Fish can appear in different sizes, colors, alive or dead, in or out of the water, in the sea or in the river. And the interpretation can be very different depending on each situation. It will not have the same meaning to dream of a shark as of a dolphin (discover what does it mean to dream of dolphins).

What does it mean to dream of fish and fish?

Normally, the meaning of dreaming about fish is very positive. We find a fish that navigate freely, that has no limits when it comes to exploring. The meaning is related to the feeling of freedom, with the need to relax to sleep. It also relates to having started a new project and seeing it flow freely. Other more generic interpretations relate to a new partner with whom we will really adjust, a group of friends, or a new work team.

What does it mean to dream of fish

To learn more about the meaning to teach with fish, we will have to delve into the dream and weigh all the details, since they can give us a more precise meaning. A very common dream is to see sharks, and this will be associated with the fact that we are living a stressful time that can take its toll, while dreaming of dolphins will mean the opposite. Only the dreamer can make the correct analysis. To help you, we have prepared some of the most common meanings.

Most common interpretations and symbols of dreaming about fish

Interpretation of dreaming about fish that are dead. If the subconscious shows dead fish, and they are floating in the water, or even out of it, it usually has negative connotations.

It is possible that your own mind is informing you that it has followed a wrong path. In this case, the most normal thing is that the water is dirty, rotten.

It can also be an indication that there are certain things in your life that do not work, such as a relationship, a new job, that your new circle of friends does not understand you ...

If you dreamed of big fish ... Big fish are often related to the size of the problem you are facing, but it can also indicate how much fun you are going to have in undertaking a new project.

On the other hand, if the fish are small, everything will be smaller. It must be considered that this type of dream refers to the fish itself.

For example, a rigorous is usually a great omen, regardless of its size. And it is that sharks are usually very large in themselves (you can continue reading to know what the shark dreams).

This can also be applied to other dangerous animals such as snakes or spiders.

If you dream of goldfish ... The most positive colors are gold, white, orange or blue. They allude to the fact that you are living a very positive stage of your life, everything will be good news, regardless of whether it is about love, money, or health matters.

You will feel that your profession is advancing in the best possible way.

If you dream of fish out of water ...  We have already examined what it means if the fish are dead. Now, if the fish is still alive, it means that you are a constant and persevering person, that you want to achieve success, and that you have the weapons to achieve it.

Also, if the water is clear it means that you are following the correct path to achieve your goals.

If you dream of fish in the sea ... The sea is the greatest symbol of freedom. Solar with fish in the river it is related to how fast your mind is, due to the speed with which the water flows in that place.

On the other hand, if the fish swam through lakes or small ponds, it is related to peace and harmony (yes, as long as the water is transparent).

It may be that the fish appeared in a fish tank. In this case, the meaning of the dream is usually not that good. The fact of seeing a fish tank can mean that you find yourself trapped in yourself, that you have to make a decision that will have important repercussions.

The fish allude to a symptom of stress, and it will be even more serious if the fish bite (for example, if they are piranhas)

Did the fish fly? If your mind brings you the image of a flying fishIt is related to the fact that you have a very creative mind and your desire for freedom.

But if you see that the flying fish tries to take flight, but does not succeed, it means that it has not known how to shape your creativity. It may be the best time to take a few days off and review what is wrong with your life.

You should also read about:

You know what what does it mean to dream of fish, if you want to expand your knowledge, you can also read about dreams of animals or others with the letter P.

? reference bibliography

All the information on the meaning and interpretation of this dream has been prepared using prestigious bibliography developed by leading psychoanalysts and experts in the field such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung or Mary Ann Mattoon. You can see all the details of the specific bibliography by clicking here.

3 comments on "What does it mean to dream of fish or fish?"

  1. I dreamed of two goldfish out of the water giving each other a tender kiss, what meaning could this dream have ???

  2. I dreamed of a fish that my daughter accidentally killed in a fish tank, but then it resurrected and transformed into two fish when the water changed. All this happened in my grandmother's house.

  3. I have been dreaming for two nights that I am going down the street and I see a beautiful colorful fish that swam in the air, and did not drown, it seemed that it was its natural state, seeing this fish in the air was like seeing a little bee that when you You get closer, take flight to the other side. The fish was beautiful, small with its fins unfolding, it was like a goldfish, orange with red, what did this dream mean?


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