Dreaming of love or being in love

Dream of love

If you are in a happy and stable relationship as a couple, or if you are married, it is possible that it catches your attention if you dream of a love from the past (read more about dreaming that you go back with your ex), or if you suddenly fall in love with someone who is not your girlfriend or boyfriend. But don't worry, these types of dreams appear more often than you might imagine, even if you have been with your partner for many years.

On the other hand, if you are single, the fact that dream of love has many possible interpretations. But to accurately analyze the meaning of what the subconscious told you, it is necessary to remember the details of the context, your mood and the stage you are living today.

What is the meaning of dreaming of being in love or with love?

In general, dreaming of love or being in love represents the illusion for life, the meaning of humanity and the hope to find your better half. You want to fall in love or come home and love your partner every day, however, love is the cause of much misery and suffering.

Dream of being in love

Therefore, to interpret the dream correctly you must remember the circumstances in which it developed. For example, it does not mean the same if you dream of a kiss to your girlfriend because you love her with all your might, that if your partner has been unfaithful and heartbreak hangs over you (learn more about dreaming that they cheat on you). To understand it better, read the following examples.

Dream of an impossible love

There are some who say "He who follows it gets it." Thinking of your crush even in dreams says two things: either that you are obsessed, or that you don't give up easily to a "no" as a reply. Your ambition and the goals you set make you fight for what you want. Of course, beware of frustration if you do not meet your goals.

Dreaming that you get married and are in love with someone else

Are you getting married and have you dreamed that you are in love with someone else? It is completely normal that doubts arise before you get married, it is a very important step in your life, since if you are truly in love, you will be with him or her the rest of your days sharing all your moments. Don't worry about having doubts or insecurities for once. I also advise you to read what does it mean to dream of a wedding o dream that you are getting married.

Are you married or not?

In another article I already explained the interpretation of the dreams of a marriage. If you have not yet been married, it might cross your mind that your partner is not really your better half, that you may be asked questions about whether you want to take this step. The best way to overcome this setback is meditate on what you really want in your life, and even talk about your doubts with your partner. There you will realize that you are truly deeply in love and that you are willing to move on to strengthen your relationship.

Dreaming of love towards a stranger

Dreaming of love towards a stranger symbolizes your lack of guidance in love life, even though you are open, you fear that you will never find your better half. Do not obsess because it is worse, go little by little and when your soulmate has to appear, it will appear. And if you know someone, do not go so fast, give yourself time to get to know him little by little. Thus, you will fall in love when you least expect it, and that is when you will have to be sure of what you want.

Now I ask you to tell me and the readers what your dream was like, under what circumstances it happened and what did you interpret about it. Was it a love from the past? Do you consider him the person of your life? Was it your ex? Did you secretly send each other letters or messages? Was it an impossible love to realize? Maybe another woman or man who was not your partner?

Video of the meaning of dreaming about love

If this article about dreaming about love or being in love, then I recommend you read other similar ones in the category: A.

? reference bibliography

All the information on the meaning and interpretation of this dream has been prepared using prestigious bibliography developed by leading psychoanalysts and experts in the field such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung or Mary Ann Mattoon. You can see all the details of the specific bibliography by clicking here.

49 comments on "Dreaming of love or being in love"

  1. I dreamed that I was inside a giant and bright bathroom and I was with a person I know but I did not see for a long time nor did he speak, and we both laughed and hugged each other while we looked in the mirror and we looked very happy. I don't know if it has any meaning.

  2. I dreamed of a relative who died many years ago, in the dream I knew that he had died but that I had found him alive again, the strange thing was that we walked near many white wolves but they did not attack us, they were calm wolves and they were calm, which The most surprising is that in the dream I felt immense love for my relative, so much so that even when I was awake I had felt so much love for someone and it gave me peace and happiness.

    • At this time, for more memories you have of your family member, he is fine, he is calm, that they do not worry about the circumstances that he died or how things were, and that the family union is what helps them to get ahead and that they be careful that there is someone who wants to do something but stops him or is envious of the family

  3. My dream started with that I was going to move and even though in my dreams I did not like the idea I had to do it, but before moving I had things to do for some reason I bought a pet and I went to leave it to the vet there I met a woman from About 20 years old we did not speak to each other but it caught my attention since she was quiet and very reserved, I dared to speak to her and to my surprise she began to speak to me little by little I began to fall in love to the point where I fell in love with her And she about me, in the end we had something very beautiful relationships but her family lived in another place and they left, in my dreams she and her family told me where they lived and that it was for her if I really loved her and I ended my dream feeling myself sad because she left

    • I dreamed that a man kidnapped me and he wanted me to fall in love with him but I wanted to escape from the place that had me because I did not know where I was and suddenly another man called "Hee hey" appeared that I was in love with him and I stayed with hey hey but then little by little I began to fall in love with the one who kidnapped me but in the dream I felt the butterflies I felt that I loved him it was like a super rare sensation

  4. I have had two dreams in which I find the love of my life. (I'm single)

    The interval between these is approximately 4 months.

    The first dream I was looking at a man with a good physique, a formal yellow shirt, looking like a teacher ... apparently on the floor I was in trouble, he appeared from behind touching my shoulder, I turned and said ... I finally found you! He helped me solve that, he treated me super cute, in the dream he asked myself questions about that man I don't know. And I answered myself…. every time he answered he had no more doubts about him and the feeling was one of happiness and fulfillment.

    The other dream was that from my work they sent me to another office, there I found the love of my life, and the same from the previous dream ... I knew how to treat myself ... I felt loved by him ... I was also in a formal yellow shirt .... But in the dream there was a problem that I was no longer going to be able to see that love, I felt so sad because I knew I couldn't even say goodbye, I woke up but wanted to close my eyes again and see him again.

  5. I had a dream in which I had a girlfriend (I'm bisexual) and it really felt cute, I can't explain it, but I do know that in reality I had never, absolutely never felt that way.

    It was very strange since when I woke up, I was very sad and I asked myself many questions such as "How could you fall in love in a dream?" , and things like that.

    I wanted to dream about that again, but I was afraid of "falling in love" with that unknown girl, who for a strange reason made me feel so good ..
    In the end I did not dream of her again, and I admit that it was a bit sad, since even having dreamed of her only once ... it felt too real and cute.

    • The same thing happened to me too, I think I feel very alone and without anyone to whom I can turn in confidence to talk about my mood or my important personal things and falling in love in the dream depressed me since it is something that I would like to happen.

    • I dreamed of something similar but I've been dreaming of the boy for years he has black hair and a little long he always wears black or dark clothes like brown or gray, the first time I dreamed it was when I was dreaming of my old elementary school as a child I dreamed that He spoke from a small place that did not exist in real life, he only spoke to me and looked at me, it really caught my attention but she was only a girl so I did not take so much attention, then I also dreamed months ago of more romantic things, he spent a lot of time with me I watched movies we talked and he always had long messy black hair and for a long time I have been saying that this would be my type of boy I guess my mind creates a boy in my dreams but today I dreamed of him again wearing loose beige pants, a vest black or something like that maybe it was a brown jacket with black and gray and he was wearing black boots or high top sneakers with a backpack and his long messy hair, I took his face with my 2 hands while looking at him and they are We laughed and he closed his eyes while laughing. It is the first time that I look at his face so well and I feel a feeling of wanting to see him again and just spend time with him ... and I started to think that maybe I'm sick but I dreamed about it a lot or at least Less I sense that it is the same presence he always has dark hair and every time I see it it grows more to my height and according to my age I just turned 17 and he already looks like 18 is the strangest thing he always looks like 1 year older than me. I think I fell in love with someone who does not exist and it is the strangest thing that has happened to me besides that I have never had a real relationship I do not know how in my dream I touched him and hugged him in different ways it was very romantic my dream, I want to return to it watch. I also looked at deja vu but I guess I didn't do anything with that and I haven't seen them again when I dreamed of a boy who even spoke to him and heard him about his problems a few months later I dreamed of others in my room who even told them He spoke, it was also very strange, he dreamed things like personal, something had happened to him as a child, something had happened to him and he cried hunched over, covering his face with his knees, on my bed and another boy was comforting him with his hand, placing it on his arm, it was strange months later at the end of classes I looked at the same scene but at school it was the same but I looked at it from behind it scared me more than the first time but this time I couldn't help it they were going to tell me I was crazy, so my dreams always They have been half strangers and I don't know if I trust them ... I don't know if the boy of my dreams will only be my dreams or I will ever see him in real life and I looked at cases of boys and girls who find the stranger of their dreams so I will wait.

      • For a moment I thought it was me you were describing and you also commented one day after my birthday, it seemed strange to me, I dreamed again today of a girl but I don't remember her face

  6. Because it was like a boarding school because they gave classes and I liked the boy I said yeye and well he was very handsome but I think he had a girlfriend, in one of the corridors there was blood, in that corridor there was his boyfriend and I, he took the fault and the security arrived and shot him and his girlfriend did not want to help it was like x he blamed himself haha ​​and I was desperate asking for help and crying and that my sister is arriving, the ambulance arrives and is saved in the end we end up leaving
    But I felt the pain, the despair and the crying, it really hurt me so much that I even woke up crying and now I just want to meet him in life and it's weird because I feel love for a character of my dreams, I hope and if he exists because I love him :(

  7. I dreamed that I was visiting places that I know with a boy, we were happy and I felt in love perhaps? I've never fallen in love so I don't know… we were celebrating that we got engaged, we rode a kind of bicycle on the road, then we ran along it laughing, then we appeared on a train and when we got to our house we threw ourselves on the ground and laughed hugging each other. I really have not fallen in love and I do not think it is convenient or something important to have a partner. So the dream surprised me and I felt very full and alive with it.

  8. My dream was an adventure in which I was running in a place and an injured girl was on my back and I was carrying her then she took me to a place where they had to rescue her brother
    In that adventure in the end we had to flee when we saved his brother
    We fled from a hippopotamus and he wounded my leg
    In the end we managed to flee and the end of the dream is that the girl told me that now she was the one carrying me on my back
    And there we did not realize that we were in love and we kissed
    And there I woke up and now I can't stop thinking about it because for me the feeling was very real

  9. Well my dream was "weird", to begin with there was an ant that according to my dream was part of a colony of ants where a single ant was one of my favorites and well there were strange things but they go out of context, in short that ant was transformed in a girl (I am 19 years old and she apparently was the same age) and her phenotype was: brown skin color (it looked like the color of brown sugar but with the shine of honey, that is, a very beautiful color); brown eyes similar to honey; Slim physiognomy and fine features, she had long legs and slim but strong arms, she looked delicate like a ballet dancer but strong as I don't know ... a boxer, haha? Her hair was Chinese and the truth is I don't remember the color well, well anyway ... She danced on some huge river stones and she looked beautiful, that dance seemed as if she were doing it to the beat of the flames of a campfire and like opening of a flower at dawn, that dance was the one that captivated me and well, my type of girls are not brunettes in particular (it is not racism or anything, my mother is brunette, but they are simply not my type) and yet I had never felt something like that for someone I do not know, I know that we do not dream of faces that we do not know, so I want to believe that if I met that person at some point in my life or that she was part of several people with the characteristics that I like in a girl.
    Well, my dream had more things but they come out of context and it is not important to explain the ant girl.
    Thank you for reading everything ... I hope to dream of her again and to know more about her, who knows and actually if I ever met her but I am fully aware that that person if he exists that is not anything I hope for, but I trust that Yes.

  10. I dreamed that I was at my grandmother's house but it was not her house, it was like a school or something like that, and that I was secretly in love with a boy but it was like an impossible love, as if something had happened between us that we it prevented us from approaching. But then there was like an accident and his car overturned in a ravine, so me and another friend went down to help him, the boy was very hurt but when he saw me and my friend he kissed us both what?
    Another dream was with a boy who was my friend many years ago but who I never saw or spoke to again. In this dream we were best friends. We were also at school but when he left he took me with his mother, his sister and a friend to ask for my hand in front of everyone. He got too nervous that we had to take him out of the house to get some fresh air and I didn't know how to tell him that I don't have the same feelings for him.
    And the last dream of this type, we were still in school. I used to sit behind a love from when I was in elementary school! In other words, for ages that after elementary school I never saw anything again. And this guy was the boyfriend of a friend from high school that I recently spoke to again. I felt sad because I liked this boy but he was extremely in love with my friend. I cannot give a good meaning to this.

  11. I dreamed that I was on a competition trip to Turkey (I'm an athlete) and that the competitions had already finished and we were going to stay there for a few days. We were in a super large 5-star hotel in the spa city of Antalya and we wanted to see everything. At one point a friend who was also on the team (he's a friend I know) told me to go to the beach and I told him it's okay, let's go, and when we got hungry I wanted to try what Turkish food is like, and in For a moment my friend told me to look there, there are some boats that if we get on them they will take us to a small island that he knows, that I will like and we can eat, and I told him that it's okay let's go, and when we are We had a great time on the boat, we talked, and when we arrived I really liked the little place. There we went to a restaurant together and to my surprise in this restaurant they sold food from my country, which is very delicious but I wanted to try the food from Turkey haha, but well my friend wanted to eat the food from my country because he already missed it. However, I had a great time with him in that restaurant on the beach, we talked a lot, and when we laughed we stared at each other and he took me by the hand and I felt that he was in love with me, he showed me affection, I I don't know if I was in love with him in my dream, but the truth is that his displays of affection made me feel very good. (But in real life I don't like him, I only see him as a friend, I wouldn't be with him, I only appreciate him as a friend, and he is fond of me but I don't think he likes me)
    After the meal he tells me to go to another place, and we went as if hugging each other, or holding hands, and we went to a small lodging next to the restaurant, we wanted to rest, and this is very strange, we asked for a room and we stayed there He spent time together talking and at one point we kissed and hugged, we were giving each other kisses and caresses and then we had sex, and then we slept together. I really liked spending those moments with him. I didn't want those moments to end. But after a while he woke me up because it was getting dark and we had to go back to the hotel (the 5-star one) with his team. Shame on what others are going to think, they won't even find out about this» but I also wanted to continue spending time with him and so I told him that I want to continue being with you while I hugged him, and he tells me that tomorrow we can go out together again, we can go back here if you want or we can get to know other parts, and I told him that I would like to leave the hotel and see the city, and he tells me that it's okay, let's go then. When I left I just wanted to go to the bathroom and I told him, and he told me in a tender voice where he was, and I went in and while I was there I got ready for him and I started thinking about how nice it would be to be together getting to know the city, now I could not wait any longer. And when I left we went back to the boats together and we hugged and kissed, when we arrived I didn't want to part with him but I quickly went into the hotel with him, I said goodbye to him and it was already night, I ran to my room I was afraid that the others found out what had happened and when I went to my room I entered quietly and made sure that if my roommate (another competitor) was there sleeping, and if she was sleeping, luckily I told myself, I don't know why that in my dream meant a relief. I already really wanted to see my friend again and then taking advantage of the fact that everyone was asleep I went to look for him, and I knew that he would also do the same and out of nowhere I began to visualize in my dream images where he and I were walking through the city, we took pictures in beautiful places, we kissed, hugged and walked together holding hands saying "I love you". From one moment to another I stopped seeing those images and I was with him again and together we went back to the small lodging on the small island, and we were both back in that room giving each other kisses, hugs, caresses and we had again relationships and sleep together. Those moments were very beautiful. (It is also strange that in my dreams we leave the island in a hurry only to return to it later?, but I think that happened because I wanted it to manifest so much, so it happened again)
    And it was morning again, and we had to go back soon, and then go to the city together, from one moment to another I kissed him and said something like I'll be back, and I went out and out of nowhere I appeared in another place who knows where it was, but it seemed familiar to me, and there my dad and my grandmother were with me and well I don't know how I got there or what we were doing but since there was nothing to do I grabbed my cell phone and started looking at Instagram and it gave me for entering the profile of a boy that I used to like a lot in real life, but in real life it was an impossible love, and he was always indifferent to me, he didn't like me and he also has a girlfriend, but despite that we fear how a little friendship I don't know, he gave me to enter his profile, see what he is doing and start saying that he makes his girlfriend ugly. And indeed I began to tell my dad that he looks ugly because he's his girlfriend and he sort of laughed at what he said. And my grandmother told me to write to her, I don't know why, and I told her nee, so I'm going to write to her, I bet if I do, she'll leave me on seen, what's more, she won't even open the chat I don't even care. I started to see more photos and I made fun of him and said that he is currently very ugly too haha ​​and I saw that he had posted photos that I had not seen before and that apart from that he recommended a company that I do not remember what service it provided, I told my dad my grandmother and out of nowhere when I looked at the screen I saw that I had inadvertently liked the photo and I said nooooooooo I accidentally pressed the like nooooo and my dad tells me now, that's what happens to you for stalking and I thought what a shame he's going to find out, and but I told my dad and my grandmother that I can tell him that I have an aunt or a cousin who works in that company and that's why I gave him a like...(but that doesn't take away from that maybe I've been stalking him??) and for a moment in my own head I started to think that what am I doing, I'm currently with (my friend) and why am I doing this... I should be with him right now, I wanted to go back to spend time with him.
    And the truth is that I no longer remember what else happened in this strange dream but the truth is I would like to know what it means, because I dreamed this, because I dreamed that I was the girlfriend of a friend with him who would not be in real life. I do not know if it is relevant to get the meaning of the dream, but my friend and the boy that I used to like a lot are both ten years older than me.

    PS: That little island we went to in real life does not exist, it only existed in my dream hahaha, but the city of Antalya does exist in real life: 0 it is a Turkish spa surrounded by hotels, it is very beautiful.

  12. I dreamed of someone who does exist, is the son of a mother's friend. In my old school I used to look at him every day when I went for a walk around the school, he did it too, so we met often, but anyway that was a long time ago. But now I dreamed that my family and I were going on a trip somewhere, we were parking the car and still next to us was another parked car and there he was, in that I heard that we were going to stay with them (he and his family or friends) upon hearing that I wanted to hide, in the dream I was ashamed. Why didn't he stop looking at me? , throughout the dream I tried to avoid it. I liked him (in the dream) but I know very well, how I am when I am in love and apparently in the dream I also knew it, I am very obvious, I did not want him to realize it. I knew that the next day he was going to leave and I also knew what time, knowing that I dared to record a video. The next day he was ready to go, it was very early but I was awake, lying on my bed, covering me with the covers, for some reason I predicted that he would come because there he was standing at the entrance of the room, what was he doing standing there ? It seems that you want to tell me something, I know you know I'm awake. She left the room, and suddenly the video is played, I was surprised by what I was saying in it, it was declared to me, in that I got up I was very ashamed, "I'm sure if I listen to it" and in that I feel a hand in my shoulder: I like you too, he said and finally I looked up, and I could see his face well, "now we are boyfriends." And that is the most detailed of what I can remember so the end.

    • "Now we are dating" was what he told me at that moment, in the dream, just to clarify.

  13. Hello, I came here looking to answer questions. I have always had strange dreams, but the truth is that I did not take the time to look for the meaning of them. There were 2 dreams, in the first one, I came to a place in the center of a city and a man I have never seen in my life treats me, he was with his father, later I see myself in a car with both of them, on a lonely road People appear with sticks to destroy the car and this man takes me out of there and asks me if I'm okay, I say yes and he tells me that he loves me, I answered him too and we kissed, I woke up. I was in the cell for about 1 hour, I go back to sleep and this time I appear telling my sister about this dream, she tells me that we are going to look for this man of dreams, we go and I arrive at the same place, I see the same man with the same clothes, his same father, all the same. I did not dare to tell him that I had dreamed of him and that is why I was looking for him, I sat on an armchair and he came to my side, we spoke a few words and awake. I am very, very sorry not to ask her name, I remember it completely, her clothes, face, hair color, height and even her voice. I want to know what happens, why this happened to me, because I could not get it out of my head. Please help.

  14. I dreamed that I loved a stranger haha?‍♀️

  15. I dreamed that an acquaintance and myself fell in love and that he wanted to unite with me regardless of whether I was already engaged and had a child and he wanted me to be with his own that the five of us were together as a family and in that dream part of my family appeared.

  16. I dreamed that I was in a building and there were two unknown boys but I both liked them, then one of those boys took me to an amusement park and then to ice skating and well I fell in love a little more and I decided to give it a try. Then the next day he brought a tactical Aryan balloon and told me to get on it and then I ended up giving it a kiss. That's when I fell apart

  17. Well my dream started that I was walking towards a building and when I entered I saw many people but there was one in particular that when I saw her I felt very, very happy as if I was in love with her and when I approached I hug her and you see her as if She was my partner, true, well after that I was with her and held her but I felt very happy being with her but I do not remember her face and her voice spoke to her but I did not listen to her but still I answered as if when I listened but like this in the distance I saw a person and it turned out that the person who appeared was an ex-girlfriend and that's why I woke up

  18. Hello, good morning, I am married and I have had some problems with my husband but we have been more or less I tell you my dream was very nice it was the end of the year I was at school finishing it was the last day we would see each other and everyone was looking for a detail I thought big I bought him a blender I wrote a poem to that special person that I liked so much I couldn't leave without telling him everything I felt with him I like them very much it was very strong what I felt for him, I knew he felt the same for me so
    I took a risk, I gave him the gifts and in his backpack he had a cup that he thought to give me but it broke by the way and he was surprised, all intimidated by me and he was looking for a way to find something to give me or he said do you want to do something, let's go to the movies or something He still didn't say anything to me just and I was going to say what he felt and woke up

  19. Today I woke up very in love with a girl that I never saw personally. It is not the first time that has happened to me, I dreamed that I was in the fans of a soccer game with my family and this girl by my side. At one point the girl grabs my hand and tells me that they want to go to a more private place (calling me "love").
    I go with her and we kiss. But then I think I changed my dream or something, because things happened, nothing to do with what the dream of love was.
    I do not know the girl, but I have already seen her in many dreams or they are always similar.

  20. I dreamed of a friend that I met recently x Instagram, I dreamed that he was at my house and came to look for me to go out somewhere, but my mother did not leave me, so I said goodbye with a kiss that felt like it was the best kiss of my life!! and that I was in love with him.

  21. Hi, I dreamed that I was with a group of people inside a castle where a black tie event (or dance) was going to be held and eventually I had to dance with one of the people, a blonde woman dressed in black silk. Elegant. As soon as we finished dancing (I think it was a kind of mix between dance and tango, I don't know ...) we looked into each other's eyes and "that connection" was like. The problem came later: they had done an interview with each of us that, unbeknownst to us, was going to be recorded and shown publicly. I got extremely nervous since in the one they did to me there were things like my opinion regarding my groupmates (including that woman) and things like my sexuality (I'm Bi). The point is that I did everything possible to leave the place and flee from my group, since I did not want to feel the disapproval, disappointment and rejection of any of them, especially the woman ... Until finally, out of exhaustion, I decided to return to give myself I noticed that she was with a large group of girls (among them some faces that I have seen on YouTube and other places) and they began to do my makeup until… I woke up.

  22. So I don't know why but after a long week of work ... I dreamed out of nowhere that I knew a man that I fell in love with, he lived two blocks from my house, he was a millionaire businessman and he invited me to his house but at the same time he got uncomfortable with me the second time I went to his house he slept with me and then sent another man to lock me up and tie me up with ropes after one day I drank two bottles of medicine wanting to throw away my lives and the man who I had tied up, abused me, then in my dream I managed to scream and escape and VAT and I was looking for the guy with whom I had fallen in love and it turns out that he apologized to me because supposedly his problem was a lot of work and that he could not bear it. people who were SERCA of him were all the time telling him what Iván was going to be ... there I told him that he did not necessarily need to be talking all the time that I could do things the same and the other days he would bring his children to me. play r with them but I felt a silence in my chest a feeling of nothing just seeing him talking to everyone but you had to keep quiet

  23. I dreamed that they took me to a closed place together with other unknown people I was calm until I began to hear a plane sound and immediately I was alarmed I ran to see what was happening and in that I see people dressed in red wanting to attack, they enter almost immediately but I ran out and in that I ran into someone who was also unknown but he was part of the enemy, curiously I had a connection with him, I wanted to kiss him but he told me that it was too early to do it, we ran and attacked through another door, when it finally ends the war, the two of us went out AND 2 other companions of his as well as a girl who curiously called her friend in hers, when we were walking it was night and out of nowhere I heard that someone was in danger and I ran and he followed me, we saved the people there who attacked strange things. But when we jumped over the fence, everyone went to the arms of my friend from the dream and you could tell that they were in love, I got a lot out of it And in the end we got to where my university was and I said goodbye
    The funny thing is that I don't have any friends and the boy I dreamed of doesn't look like someone I lived with or knew either.

  24. Hi! I had a dream yesterday afternoon when I was taking a nap after having lunch and coming back from my work, and who appeared in it is a friend from adolescence, who I liked very much when we were studying at high school, but he did not reciprocate the same. . The dream developed near the building where my mother lives, I was walking next to him and suddenly he offered me his arm so that I could walk very close to him, a gesture that I liked very much, making me feel that adolescent infatuation again. I felt very happy when he hugged me and caressed my cheek and then gave me a tender kiss on the lips ... God, I felt like I was flying on a cloud! After that I woke up with that feeling, but then I fell into reality: currently he is married and I made my life, I separated and I was left in charge of two children today, men. We have never lost contact, from time to time we have met in common places (he is a nurse in the neonatal ICU of a hospital in the capital which I frequent when an emergency arises and I go to said health center) or in some sector adjacent to my old residence. Where we frequent each other more is through phone chat or social media. But that dream has me intrigued and I don't know what it could mean.

  25. Good dream that I was in love with a stranger who we had walked hugging and he kissed my forehead but the most beautiful thing was the hug, it felt so real, so warm, I woke up with the sensation of the heat of that hug

  26. Today I had a very interesting dream, I dreamed that I was in another one from Costa Rica to Spain I was with the whole family and there a boy began to follow me, even his name I remember Apdiel since I saw him we fell in love, three months ago I left my current partner and I am single

  27. I dreamed that I was very much in love and the partner I had in my dream too, when I woke up I felt sad because I have no partner

  28. My dream began with: that I was in my old house and I received a video call from a girl who had already seen her before in my dreams but I don't know her in real life, she is beautiful and we like each other, she came on a trip because she was taking a family of her who were operating on her when she got home we hugged, talked, and kissed was something so exciting for me because that woman who I only saw her twice in my dream but I don't know her, appeared again in my dreams and we kissed. I would like to know the meaning of my dream

  29. Lately in my dreams I see myself in love with a boy, but a very strong love, but they always kill him. It's already been like 5 times that I dream that. One time I even woke up and was crying I felt that feeling of sadness. I don't know what it means that in every dream that I see myself happy and in love, they end up killing the person with whom I feel in love.

  30. Hi! I dreamed that I was a partner of a bus driver, from a known line ... in my dream we saw each other in the bus that he drives, he was blond, cute and very attentive and loving, we were very happy and we were very much in love even though he noticed it seriously. and to me a little weird. I do not know him in real life and I have a partner but we are not very well.

  31. I dreamed that I was going down a dark street and I was scared, I saw that there were many policemen so I went towards them, they were all busy except one blonde.
    I told him what was happening to me and if he could take me home and at first he said he couldn't but later he ended up taking me.
    Then I don't remember what happened but I fell in love and he fell in love with me and we had relationships (he was 19 and I was 13)
    then I woke up and opened the drawer of the bedside table and there was a note that he had written before going to sleep so that when he wakes up and leaves I read it, but I woke up before him, (it had a strange handwriting but cute)
    Question, the note said he was leaving, I told him please don't go but he left anyway.
    I started checking his intagram or Facebook and he was already in college since 2019.
    Then he came again and since I didn't want him to go I started kissing him and the dream ended with him giving me oral sex.

  32. DRINGEND EFFEKTIV LOVE Zauber FIR ÄR EX BACK RÉCK A FIR ÄR Hochzäit ze RETTEN! Ech wäert éiweg dem DR, PURAJI schëlleg sinn, fir mäi futtisse Bestietnes ze fixéieren, nodeems mäi Mann mech fir eng aner Fra fir 6 Méint verlooss huet. Ech hunn ni an Zauber gegleeft bis mäi Frënd mech mam DR, PURAJI virgestallt huet. Ufanks war ech skeptesch iwwer hien, well ech hu vill iwwer falsch Zaubercaster héieren awer ech hunn meng Zweifel hannert mech gesat, well ech verzweifelt war mäi Mann zréck ze kréien an ech hunn no deem wat gesot huet ze maachen. Elo ass mäi Mann just bannent 48 Stonnen nodeems hien him kontaktéiert huet. Ech liewen erëm glécklech mat mengem Mann no 6 Méint gebrachem Bestietnes an ech wäert net raschten, bis hie weltwäit bekannt ass. Hien ass och spezialiséiert op Lotterie Zauber, Promotiouns Zauber, Krankheet Zauber ETC Gitt elo mat DR, PURAJI verbonnen, seng E-Mail: purajitemple@gmail.com

  33. The truth is that I have been dreaming for several days of a tall boy with light eyes and very black hair, I come to like him so much that I wake up super sweaty, this has made me want to even look for him on networks to know if I have seen him at some point in my life . What seems strange to me is the number of times I've dreamed of this same person, I'm going crazy lol I don't know what to do. I even remember his name, Mauricio. I don't really believe in dreams, but it's incredible how many times I dream about this person. In fact, in my dreams, what I do is ask for him and look for him?

  34. I dreamed that we were in a reunion and that my "childhood love" was also going, it is assumed that we were around 17 in my dream and I would see him again, according to our dream we were very in love and without lying I felt very enthusiastic about him ( we were never anything in my dream) but I was worried and loved him very much. As a partner or brother. I do not know.
    But I know that I know the boy but I haven't seen him in years and I didn't know that I felt something for him either: v. The dream is weird because now I am 24 years old, 2 babies and married haha, someone to help me (?)

  35. Hello, my dream was that I was in my city and there was a soccer game and there was a blond girl with green eyes and she was the linesman, I saw her and I fell in love after finishing the soccer game, she goes up to the stands and sits down. one side of me and my friend tells me look, benja, your girlfriend and she laughs and says hahaha really, throw me a compliment and after that I dreamed that we kissed and like that whenever we were together something happened that someone would appear and would not let us kiss and hug each other calmly and when I asked him where you are from he told me that he was not from my city I got sad and I just woke up

  36. The dream begins with me in the house of a boy that I liked in real life (But that I stopped liking because I found out he had a girlfriend, something relevant). My family was also there and they were meeting his mother (who in the dream was a love) and they got along very well (to the point of planning to do many things together), and meanwhile me and the boy were talking about the most normal in his bedroom. Then he just told me that he had a younger brother, and he started talking to me about him; He told me that he thought it was very cool and that he admired it in a certain way. I don't remember what happened next, but everything concluded that I know the brother (in the dream I am completely sure that I already knew him before, but we had not spoken) and it turns out that we get along very well. The chemistry flows. So the other scenes of my dream are of him and me talking and knowing that we like each other, we are both aware and we treat each other as if we were a couple, but I can't tell him that I like him verbally and therefore ask him to let's go out. So the following scenes are multiple attempts on my part to take him to a private place to tell him that I love him, but they always interrupt us. In the end, for some reason that I don't remember, the brother finds the boy (who I liked in real life) and me talking in a super friendly way (because by getting close to his brother, I also did it with him). The problem is that not only he sees us, but the whole family and for some reason that is reason enough for them to assume that we are boyfriends. And the funny thing is that it was as if we had to be dating even though neither he nor I wanted it. Then I have to go out and look for a yellow dress, because being with him means that I have to wear yellow (or something like that, I just remember that I was certain that I had to wear something yellow). While looking for the dress I came to the conclusion that in reality who I really liked was her brother (Something that I already knew before, but in the dream it was like a revelation of "The one you really like is his younger brother") , because we had chemistry and things were wonderful, and that I wanted to be with him, so I started planning ways to end the courtship with the boy I know in real life. Besides, I knew that he wasn't happy either because he had to break up with his girlfriend, a girl that I adore in real life and therefore that made me feel even worse. Later, with a dress and a plan made, she would go home to finish everything. When the boy arrived he was super serious and told me that he was waiting for me in the living room because they were all there, when he left I went to see his computer to see if he had already made our thing official (In my mind if he had not done it yet official because it could actually be solved and put an end to everything) But he had already published that he was in a relationship with me and for some reason that was like "It's over, yes or yes they will have to be boyfriends, there is no going back" . The dream ends with me going to the room where they were all playing happily, even the boy I know in real life, except his younger brother, who was staring at me and I was looking at him, both knowing that everything was over. .

  37. I do not have a partner, or love affairs or any acquaintance with romantic interest; But last night I dreamed twice about the same person, I do not know him and I really do not even know his name, but he approached me with his group of friends to emphasize that he took care of what he wanted and that he would win a game together just for the same, during the dream he looked at me and smiled with a lot of love, how do I know? I have no idea, I only felt in the dream that his attention and appreciation was directed to me, he cared and joined his steps to mine, he mentioned that he was the love of my life and he would marry me, until in a moment I knew that something it would happen, and in front of the two of them, one of their friends was shot. I pushed it and hid it. I did not dream anymore after that, just a little dream with the same person where he said he loved me because I was the only person he would take care of and I needed.

  38. I dreamed that I became friends with a group of boys and girls, they were very friendly, but there was a boy with black hair that I liked, when I am with him it is a sensation as beautiful as peace, I felt incredible, I have been dreaming for several nights With him, we were always together and in one of my dreams he kissed me, we went out to the beach, but I already knew the boy, he studied with me many years ago, but he left the country, I liked him, but over time he became I had forgotten, in dreams with him I feel so good, so calm, he is so cute, if I fell in love with a dream, I don't know, but I want to dream about him again.

  39. Hello, I have dreamed 3 or 4 times with a person I am married and that person I met the same moment that I met my wife to be clear is her aunt, in each dream different situations but the same outcome,
    In a moment alone I tell her that I like her very much and she reciprocates me until she ends up in a kiss.
    She is not married but has a partner of years, house dream dream feels more real even when you see her photos I feel in love.

  40. I dreamed that I was in a farm with friends and girls having fun and suddenly I met a pretty girl with normal long hair and I threw myself into the pool I went to her and the two of us liked each other and talked closely and kissed each other she was fun Smart, we laughed a lot, then we got out of the pool and ran hand in hand, laughing, trying not to let anyone see us go into a bathroom, close the door and start having sex, and I just woke up, it was strange because I felt like a connection with this girl.

  41. It's a bit strange for me, I didn't know that person and when I woke up he left me with a feeling of love after that I couldn't remember anything from my dream he just left me with feelings.

  42. I always dream that I meet someone and I like him a lot, he attracts me and I fall in love and I feel very happy by his side, I feel as if he were my first love, I have so much emotion and illusion.

  43. I dreamed that I was with a boy he was very cute and affectionate in the dream we spent our time hugging and hand in hand I saw him smile and I couldn't help but do it too


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