Dream about school

Person starting to dream about school

When you're young and you have to go to class, dreaming about school is not something you want, especially since you already have enough to spend 5-6 hours there. However, have you ever thought that this dream could have a meaning?

What if you dream, now an adult, of school? What if you see children going to school? Below we reveal everything you need to know about this type of dream. Will it be positive or negative?

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dream of thorns

A person who begins to dream of thorns

They say that dreams are dreams. But in reality there are always messages from your subconscious that, if you know how to interpret them, can help you in your day to day life. Either to change or to have hope for what is going to come to you. Some are more like nightmares, such as dreams of thorns. In fact, although it is said that pain cannot be felt, we do have that sensation.

But what does it mean to dream of thorns? Is it a good or bad thing? What happens if you get thorns in your hands or feet? And if you hold them in your hand? If you have dreamed of them Next we give you the keys so that you understand its meaning.

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What does it mean to dream of stairs?

What does it mean to dream of stairs

You want to know what does it mean to dream of stairs? The stairs are other of those objects present in our day to day, without which life would be very complicated. Wherever you go you will find several stairs, you will go up them, you will go down them, looking at the steps so as not to fall and thinking about things in your daily routine. Before starting with dream interpretations, you should know that dreams with stairs are very diverse.

You may see stairs wooden, electrical or mechanical, snail-shaped, that are broken or that are long and white. Are they narrow or wide? Are you raising or lowering them? Are they made of cement and do they break? These are details that matter when conducting psychoanalysis, and they are all well explained here. The context of the dream is essential and only you will understand the final meaning, helping you with the following points.

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What does it mean to dream that you are back with your ex?

What does it mean to dream that you are back with your ex partner

Dream about your ex It is a type of dream that more than one of us have ever had. The most common is that it is interpreted as that there were things to say and they have remained pending in time. It is also possible that the relationship ended at the best time and you did not know the exact reason why they left you. In any case, it is usually related to pending issues.

Now, the meaning of dreaming that you are back with your exIn the same way that it happens with so many dreams, it can be very variable and is not always associated with the relationship you have had with a person. You may have something pending in your life that you want to finish.

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What does it mean to dream of your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend?

What does it mean to dream of your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend

All the ex couples they often leave an indelible mark on our lives, either for better or for worse, but… How to interpret the dream? In this article I reveal what does it mean to dream of your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend. It's hard to forget the first love of your life. You always feel something special for him or her. There are also couples who will form a fundamental pillar in the evolution of your life. It is normal for you to have dreams about them, both good and bad. When someone marks your heart, you cannot forget them.

However, you should know that this is one of the most subjective dreams that exist. It does not mean the same if you see your ex-husband with his current partner as crying, if you are still in love, kissing him. Also, it may be that that former husband is looking for you, maybe you are fighting. Dream interpretations vary profoundly, therefore, it is necessary that you read the entire article and extrapolate the information to your personal situation.

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What does it mean to dream of elephants?

What does it mean to dream of elephants

If you have been given photos of the King traveling to Botswana to hunt Elephants Or you have seen them running and feeding in a documentary, just like if you are going on a safari in Kenya, the subconscious could conjure up a related dream. These animals are sacred to many African tribes, a "gold mine" for some businessmen who sell ivory. But you may also have thought about them while you were sleeping for no apparent reason. In this article I explain in detail what does it mean to dream of elephants.

Before giving way to the interpretations, I remind you that it does not mean the same to see a baby elephant swimming in water or running, yeah is alive or dead, playing or angry. The context is very important to understand what you have dreamed of, as well as the stage you are living at that moment.

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What does it mean to dream of excrement or poop?

What does it mean to dream of excrement or poop

You want to know what Does it mean to dream of poop, excrement or shit? Although it may seem otherwise, the truth is that dreams of excrement or poop They are very common. Many children and the elderly dream that they defecate in bed, and, unfortunately, when they wake up they realize that this is what really happened. The interpretations are very varied depending on each individual and the situation that gives rise to the dream.

It will not be the same to see a baby stool or of an adult person, that a animal poop such as a dog, a mouse, a rabbit. The location of the poop will also matter a lot, if we have found excrement somewhere or if on the contrary we have pooped on it. The meanings can be very varied.

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Dream of spirits

Dream of spirits

The Ghosts, UFOs and other supernatural presences are very present in some part of our life. Dream of spiritsTherefore, it has an intrinsic meaning related to us. Usually it is a dream that reflects the need to change our behavior, but depending on the circumstances in which it develops and the stage we are living in, several possible meanings can be contemplated. For example, if the poltergeist does not cause horror, it is interpreted positively, on the other hand, if it is the other way around, it must be taken into account.

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What does it mean to dream about pregnancy?

What does it mean to dream about pregnancy

If you want to know everything about what does it mean to dream about pregnancy, in this article we are going to try to be as precise as possible. Getting pregnant is one of the most special moments in a woman's life. You have a life brewing deep within you and it will change your life forever. As it is such an important stage, it is not unusual dream about pregnancyEven if you already have your baby in your arms.

Before you start reading dream interpretations, you should know that there are many circumstances that have to be considered. It will not be the same if we see ourselves pregnant, as if someone else is. Nor will it be the same to be pregnant with a boy, a girl, twins, triplets. All these variations have their reason for being and it will be something that we will have to study to obtain a precise meaning.

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