Dream about a black horse

Black Horse

When we dream, not many times we have the possibility of influencing what our subconscious wants to show us. This is why we often come across strange things. Dreaming of a black horse is, as far as it goes, something we could say is normal.

But is it a good thing or a bad thing? What happens when we have those kinds of dreams? Here we explain everything to you.

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dream of driving

person who dreams of driving

Have you ever in your dreams been driving? dream of driving It is not something strange, quite the opposite. Demonstrate your ability to take control in certain situations and take you to another point in your life.

However, when dreaming, there can be many different interpretations based on driving a car, a bus, a truck, a motorcycle... How about we leave you the meaning of the most frequent ones?

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What does it mean to dream of a car, car or car?

What does it mean to dream of a car

Today you will know in detail what does it mean to dream of a car because there is much to explain about it. The car (or car as it is known in Latin America) is the most used means of transport throughout society. The comfort, safety and speed that a car offers you is far superior to other vehicles, which is why it is used so much, and that is why it is normal to have dreams of one of them, especially if you are a fan of motor racing.

First of all, you should know that I cannot explain the dream interpretation to you without further ado, because first you have to analyze the context in which your dream takes place as well as your own circumstances. For example, it does not mean the same if the subconscious shows you yourself driving a new car (like a Ferrari), if you witness a car accident in which a relative was traveling. You see it?

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What does it mean to dream of snakes?

What does it mean to dream of snakes and snakes

If you wonder what does it mean to dream of snakes, in this article you will know all the possible details. Snakes are a species that belongs to the family of snakes, of the class sauropsids. Its scientific name is natrix natrix and normally we humans associate them with negative situations, especially when we dream.

We feel anxious and wake up nervous because it has been more of a nightmare than anything else. The reason is that many of them are poisonous, unfriendly to human beings.

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What does it mean to dream of a knife?

What does it mean to dream of a knife

In this article I explain in detail what does it mean to dream of a knife. The knives They are a very useful kitchen utensil and undoubtedly one of the most interesting and used inventions of mankind. Thanks to them we do not need our teeth to cut food, we do not harm ourselves and we prevent our digestive system from working more than necessary.

Every day we have a knife in our hands and we can give it many uses, that is why it is normal to dream of them. However, first I want to tell you that there are many possible interpretationsas the context can vary drastically. That is to say, it does not mean the same to dream of peeling potatoes, that they rob you and put a knife to your neck, or that it is full of blood. Are there fights involved? They are broken? Or do you just see a kitchen set with forks and spoons? Are they gold or silver? As you can see, there are many possibilities and I want to show you all.

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What does it mean to dream of a cemetery?

What does it mean to dream of a cemetery

In this articleor about what does it mean to dream of a cemetery you rI reveal all interpretations of this dream. Did you know that cemeteries and graves cause respect to more than 70% of the world's population? Have you dreamed of any, seeing coffins and tombstones of acquaintances or strangers? It is not a very frequent dream but surely many of you at some point in our lives have been curious about going to a cemetery at night.

Many of us wonder what there is after life, in the afterlife, what can cause dream of closed coffins or open, tombstones or an entire cemetery. But there are many possible meanings depending on the situation evoked by the subconscious. You may go day or night, that there are graves or coffins, that you find yourself dead, that the cemetery itself is very beautiful, old or only for children, animals. Or even that the cemetery is in ruins.

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What does it mean to dream about coronavirus?

What does it mean to dream about coronavirus

One of the dreams that has been repeated the most in recent weeks is this. Hence we all want to know the meaning of dreaming about coronavirus. Our society is going through a critical moment and this has also made our mind and body react to it in some way.

Through dreams we are also shown everything that we have accumulated in our subconscious and that does not always come to light. That is why today, we are going to discover all the meanings that a dream gives us in which diseases or viruses are present. Pay attention to all this!

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What does it mean to dream of cockroaches?

What does it mean to dream of cockroaches

You want to know what does it mean to dream of cockroaches? Cockroaches are a type of insects who prefer to live in dirty environments or when the temperature is very high. The vast majority of interpretations of this dream are related to the fact that you have to see life in a different way, that the time has come to make a change.

But it can involve much more. Generally, when dreaming of cockroaches it is our own mind that is telling us that we need a major change. It is very possible that there is something that prevents you from moving forward, that indicates that you need a change on a psychological level to be able to overcome everything. However, there are many ways of interpretation, since it will matter a lot if the cockroaches you see are large or small, as well as the number of them.

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What does it mean to dream of falling into the void?

What does it mean to dream that you fall empty

There are multiple interpretations of the dreams of falling into the void. To get accurate conclusions, you must first read this guide, and then draw a meaning based on the circumstances presented to you by the subconscious and your behavior in the dream. Usually it represents some aspect of your life, but the good news is that you can fix it.

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What does it mean to dream of crabs?

What does it mean to dream of crabs

If the subconscious has shown them to you seemingly spontaneously, dream about crabs represents some part of your love life associated with romanticism, that is, a relationship that will last a long time despite setbacks. On the other hand, there are many people who frequently have dreams about crabs, especially those who see them every day or have some kind of habitual relationship with the crustacean.

But there are many types of dreams in which a crab can appear, each with a different meaning. This is because the context changes the interpretation, that is, It is not the same to dream of pet crabs in a fish tank (symbolizes inner tranquility in love) let this animal chase you and attack you with their tweezers (fear of compromise). Therefore, I recommend that you read all the possibilities to draw your own conclusions based on your emotional state.

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What does it mean to dream of crows?

What does it mean to dream of crows

You want to know what does it mean to dream of crows? It is not necessary to be a fan of Edgar Allan Poe or to have read his work The Crow to dream of this bird. Centuries ago the raven is considered as a symbol of darkness, fear, terror and death. In fact, in some countries they call him "the king of the night." Horror movies and series use the sinister sound of the raven and place it on a dark branch of a tree or on a tombstone. The answer can be very varied, but it is usually associated with the appearance of negative feelings such as fear of the future or uncertainty. Are you having bad days?

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Dream about hair

Dream about hair

Those moments when you feel especially stressed, that your actions do not flow or that your goals are not met, it would be likely dream about hair. Hair is one of the most precious parts of our entire body. At first, no one would like to look bald, least of all how the strands are falling out. As you have seen, there are quite a few interpretationsWell, a dream in which the hairs are shedding from the scalp to make you look combing your hair in front of the mirror. That is why I recommend that you read this article carefully.

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What does it mean to dream of running?

What does it mean to dream of running

You don't need to be a fan of athletics, running nor have seen movies like Forrest GumpNeed for Speed for dream of running. This action is more than a sport, since you can run to catch a train because it is about to leave without you getting on it, because you are running away from someone or chasing a thief if you are a police officer. That is, this activity is part of daily life and that is why it is common to dream about it.

In this sense, the dream can be interpreted in very diverse ways depending on the context and its plot; It is not the same if you are running without getting tired, if you suddenly start to fly (see dream interpretation with flying) or if you try to stride but don't move forward. What was your speed? Was it raining? Was it daytime or a dark and lonely night?}

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What does it mean to dream of chocolate?

What does it mean to dream of chocolate

Dream of chocolate is not as frequent as doing it with snakes o Spiders, but it is much more pleasant. That the subconscious shows you a sweet is a reason to like it, since normally the meaning is positive. The cake, the cake, the chocolates. All of them delicious. But what exactly is the interpretation of this dream?

Remember that to correctly interpret your dream, it is essential to take into account the context, how the plot occurs and what stage of your life you are going through. For example, it is not the same dreaming of drinking a cup of hot chocolate at home (reason for tranquility) than to gulp down chocolate (you don't feel comfortable with the diet you're doing). You will find out all the details below.

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Dreaming of someone you like (dreaming of a girl or boy I like)

Dream of someone you like

Today we will introduce you to the real meaning of dreaming about the girl or the boy you like. Dreaming of someone you like is quite a common thing. It is normal to have this dream repeatedly until a time comes when you stop having it. You should not feel frustrated if this happens to you, since feelings cannot be controlled and are manifested in our subconscious.

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What does it mean to dream of gray hair?

What does it mean to dream of gray hair

Everybody can dream of gray hair due to certain aspects of the personality, just as they could dreaming that your teeth are falling out. Many people have dreams in which they appear gray in their hair, because the passage of age brings them certain concerns of old age. Gray hair is the symbol of responsibility, maturity and a new stage in life.

In this article you will know all the details related to the dreamlike symbols of gray hair, since the interpretation of the dream varies according to the circumstances and the context in which the story is given. For example, it is not the same dreaming of hair full of gray that falls out (fear of getting old), to wear beautiful gray hair Richard Gere style (self-assurance).

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What does it mean to dream of meat?

What does it mean to dream of meat

In this article I explain what does it mean to dream of meat, since it can be quite strange and sow doubts. The meat It is one of the most present foods in our life. We can prepare thousands of recipes with it, from a simple grilled beef steak to cooked chicken breast for the healthiest. We see it daily, so it is normal for the subconscious to evoke dreams about it.

First of all, I remind you that it is important to take into account all the events of the dream, since the meaning varies considerably. For example, it is not the same if you are cooking a beef steak what if you are eating roast beef, raw or even rotten. In this case, the food would take a back seat and the action (eating) could be the important part. Learn more about dream of eating by clicking here. That said, we move on to explain the more generic dream interpretation.

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What does it mean to dream of jail?

What does it mean to dream of jail

Today I come to reveal you what does it mean to dream of jail. There are dreams that are constantly repeated every night and they seem very strange. Actually, there is a reason that explains everything and that is why you have come this far. As a rule, these dreams refer to a person's state of mind, as well as that of his conscience. The normal thing is that you have the sensation of suffocation, stress and lack of freedom. Also, it is interpreted as that you are repressing yourself and you do not make the decisions that you would like to make, since a single mistake could lead to a catastrophe.

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What does it mean to dream of home?

What does it mean to dream of home

It's very probable that don't live in the same house anymore from childhood. Many times this dreams and originates from living a nostalgic stage. As a child you were very happy and now you would like to return to the past. They are beautiful memories of your childhood. But there are thousands of reasons why a home can come to mind while you sleep. In this article I explain what does it mean to dream of home.

But you should know that there are many dream variants that will modify the final interpretation. Factors such as context influence; Did you dream of a haunted house, new or old? Was it abandoned or haunted? Maybe dirty and flooded? There are many possibilities. Also, you have to pay attention to the moments when you are roasting, because a nostalgic period can remind you of childhood, your old friends running through all the rooms. Therefore, we are going to see all the possibilities, so that you can obtain a meaning according to what the subconscious has shown you in your hours of sleep.

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What does it mean to dream of excrement or poop?

What does it mean to dream of excrement or poop

You want to know what Does it mean to dream of poop, excrement or shit? Although it may seem otherwise, the truth is that dreams of excrement or poop They are very common. Many children and the elderly dream that they defecate in bed, and, unfortunately, when they wake up they realize that this is what really happened. The interpretations are very varied depending on each individual and the situation that gives rise to the dream.

It will not be the same to see a baby stool or of an adult person, that a animal poop such as a dog, a mouse, a rabbit. The location of the poop will also matter a lot, if we have found excrement somewhere or if on the contrary we have pooped on it. The meanings can be very varied.

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What does it mean to dream of food or eating?

What does it mean to dream about food or eating

If you are on a diet to lose weight, you take great care of your diet and the calories you eat, it is very likely that you dream of eating or food. Many say that we are what we eat, and in part our body is a reflection of eating habits. If you wonder what does it mean to dream about food, in this article I reveal all the possible dream interpretations.

Keep in mind that many of the foods we eat are energy for the body, as well as nutrients for metabolism. For this reason, psychoanalysts associate these types of dreams with internal concerns. However, there are many possible interpretations depending on the context presented by the subconscious, as well as your own personal situation. It does not mean the same dream to dream of abundant food as it is rotten, burned or damaged. Sometimes you find it worms, or hairs, other times it is simply salty. You've seen? Let's see all the meanings one by one.

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What does it mean to dream of crocodiles?

What does it mean to dream of crocodiles

Dream about crocodiles or alligators It can cloud your dream, turning it into a real nightmare. These large animals can make us restless, wake up with triggered heartbeats and heavy breathing. If you have seen a documentary where these beings were talked about, even a video in which they attacked humans, here is the explanation of your dream. But if not, there are many possible dream interpretations.

Keep in mind that not all dreams have the same interpretation. Each person has a different mind and the interpretation must be carried out paying attention to all the details. It will not be the same to meet an alligator or a small crocodile, than a large and adult one, whether they are alive or dead, that they attack you, let them chase you, or kill them. Any detail will make the difference when it comes to having a true interpretation.

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What does it mean to dream of horses?

What does it mean to dream about horses

Dream about horses they are usually associated with a good omen. And it is that the horse is a symbol of fidelity, honor and greatness. It is normal to dream about them, since they are usually associated with honesty and the gentleness of the dreamer. If you would like to know in more detail what what does it mean to dream of horses, in this article you will be able to know the possible interpretations.

If you already read us in this blog of the Dreams meaning, then you will know what to do before beginning to interpret any dream. You will have to analyze the details of the dream and your personal situation: and it will not be the same dream of a running horseIf he is sick, vigorous, if he has a normal color or if he has a bizarre tone, if he is meek or aggressive, if he is beating himself, if they attack you in any way.

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What does it mean to dream of getting married or getting married?

What does it mean to dream of getting married or getting married

Today we will see how it is interpreted that the subconscious shows you how you are getting married, since it is a situation with different meanings depending on your mood, the context of the dream and your sentimental situation. Find out below what does it mean to dream of getting married. In other articles we already talked about dreams of marriage o with a wedding. Usually when your marital status is single, a wedding represents your desire to get married and make a family. If you already have a spouse, the meanings depend a lot on other factors that we explain below.

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What does it mean to dream of puppies?

What does it mean to dream of puppies

Dream about puppies it is very possible when you have a pregnant dog. The desire and the illusion of receiving the new pets provoke in you that the subconscious shows them to you while you sleep. No matter what they are dreams with cats, rabbits or let the dream be with dog puppies, the important thing is that you will soon have a new member in the family. However, this dream does not only take place in those who wait for an animal, but also have a symbolism and a meaning according to your personality and the culture in which you were raised. In this article we will see all the details to properly interpret what dreams with puppies mean.

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What does it mean to dream of snails?

What does it mean to dream of snails

Do you want to know what it means dream of snails? Surely as a child you once went with your cousin to collect snails in town. The normal thing is that you do it after a rainy day, since it is when they go outside. In many places there are dozens of recipes with snails, such as snails with tomato and chorizo. If you didn't know, the scientific name of the common garden snail is Helix aspersa.

If in the previous days you have had any contact with this mollusk, for example if you have seen a movie or a documentary where they appeared, it would be completely normal for you to have a dream about them. But that does not always have to be the case, it is also possible that you have a dream with snails without having had recent contact and it is in those cases that we have to use psychoanalysis to discover the origin and meaning of your dream with snails.

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