dream with elf

Goblins in Mushroom

There are times when dreams become fanciful and dreaming of an elf, a fairy, a werewolf, a vampire... is not so strange. Now, what you may need to know is that everything this has a meaning that perhaps you have never considered before. And yet, your subconscious tries to help you even if you don't hear it.

Therefore, do you know what it means to dream of an elf? What if they are good? What if they are bad? We'll tell you all about it right away.

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Dream of defecating

Frog in the toilet in a dream of defecating

Dreams are also a way in which our subconscious tries to organize its memories. But it also warns us of certain things that are happening around us or that are not going to affect us. In this case, dreaming of defecating is something that we do not like very much, but it can happen. What does it mean when this happens? Is it a good or bad thing?

Although the act itself is not very pleasant to see or smell, the truth is that, depending on the situation you find yourself in, it can be something positive or negative. We explain it below.

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What does it mean to dream that your teeth fall out?

What does it mean to dream that your teeth fall out

We recently saw an article in which we studied the meaning of dreaming with teeth; this time we are going to focus on the meaning of dreaming that your teeth are falling out, which, depending on the situation in your life, and the details of the dream, the connotations may be different. Before you start, you should try to remember all the details of your dream.

The teeth, in general, relate to concerns, with some problem or fear that has been stored in your subconscious, and that shows it to you at night. It can also be the indication that you have not been to the dentist for some time to do a follow-up of teeth and fangs, that you need to have a tooth removed, a filling done, or x-rays to know if you have to get a dental implant or teeth. These situations can turn your dream into a nightmare.

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What does it mean to dream about money?

What does it mean to dream of money

If you wonder what does it mean to dream of money, in this article I reveal all the details that will open your eyes. Money is the main factor that moves this society. The economy is a fundamental part of prosperity, even though it distinguishes between rich and poor.

In fact, it is one of the main interests of the human being, that is why many times we dream of it. The meanings are various, as we will see later.

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what means dream with teeth?

What does it mean to dream of teeth

If you wonder what means dream with teeth below you will know all the details. Teeth are one of the most precious parts of our human body; With them we eat, break food, bite it and chew it so that the stomach can digest it. But they are also a symbol of our self-esteem, because when we smile they all shine if we have them white.

A veces we dream that we fall, in fact it is one of the most frequent dreams. But the interpretation varies according to each person. Normally, when you dream that your teeth are falling out it indicates that you are afraid of failing, of making a fool of yourself in front of others, which would be a blow to your mood. It means that you are not a confident person, that you lack a small spark to achieve a goal and therefore you feel that you can go wrong.

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What does it mean to dream that you are shot or shot?

What does it mean to dream that you are shot or shot

Today I will show you the meaning of dream that you are shot. It is not necessary that you are a police officer, or that you wield a weapon in your day-to-day life to have a nightmare involving shooting. It is a dream, which despite not being too common, it is very interesting. Since there are many meanings and symbolism that it will reproduce. Before starting, you should know that the interpretation of the dream will also depend on the context in which the plot takes place, in addition to your personality and the way you conceive the world you have.

For example, it will not be the same to have a dream in which the forces of authority are chasing you and that you have a gun in your hand after having perpetrated a robbery, than if someone shoots you with it, that if you find it, or if you just dream that you have one at home. We are going to analyze in detail some of the most likely situations that can occur.

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What does it mean to dream of the devil or demons?

What does it mean to dream of the devil or demons

A terrible nightmare that can occur at any time in our lives is dreaming of the devil or demons. The Devil has many names, it can be Satan, Satan, Beelzebub, Lilith ... Regardless of the name it has, the truth is that the dream can be quite unpleasant, it being normal for the dreamer to wake up with cold sweats and a racing pulse. How is this situation interpreted?

In this article we discuss what does it mean to dream of the devil we are going to study the most probable cases. If at this point in your life you find yourself undecided, if terror and fear invades you when ending a relationship, or not knowing how to make a decision, it is very likely that bad experiences will return to our mind and make us feel uncomfortable. This is known by the expression of demons put into oblivion. You may have sold yourself for something, you may have lost your ideals for something you believed in and it was finally a mistake. To study the meaning, you will have to study the context that the subconscious has shown you: and it is that it will not mean the same to find the devil in the form of a woman, that he is next to God, that if you manage to kill him, that if he is capable of him and it catches you. These are some of the most likely meanings.

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What does it mean to dream of fighting or arguing?

What does it mean to dream of fighting or arguing

There are many reasons that could provoke you visualize fights while you sleep. If you have seen any Bruce Lee movies, or action movies full of discussions and battles. The television broadcasts content with kicks and punches every day. If you have had a dispute at school or work, you could have unpleasant nightmares, or even if you hold a grudge against a person with whom you have been arguing a lot lately. In this article I explain what does it mean to dream of fights.

But it is that you have to take into account other important aspects to find the Dreams meaning, such as what you have experienced in the last few days or the context and behavior that you showed in the dream. For example, watching a street fight does not mean the same thing as arguing at home with your partner, or a brother. What's more, it can be a fight between animals such as dogs, cats, roosters or bulls. There is a lot to interpret and that is what you are going to learn next.

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What does it mean to dream of being naked?

What does it mean to dream of being naked

Many believe that dream of being naked represents a concern of a sexual nature. Actually, the dream meaning of nudity is related to our personality in general. To find out the specific interpretation you have to know the details of the dream as well as your feeling in it. Let me explain.

For example, it is not the same if when you dream of nudity you feel ashamed or afraid, which means that you are manipulable and allow others to influence you. Also, this dream takes place in people who try to achieve perfection in everything, what says about them that they are unsafe because they never appreciate their work enough and their ego suffers.

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What does it mean to dream of dolphins?

What does it mean to dream of dolphins

What does it mean to dream of dolphins? In this article I reveal all the details. If dolphins appear in your dream, they are usually interpret positively. They are associated with joy, optimism, the will to live. This is probably the most affectionate aquatic animal with man, they play with him, offer him their friendship. Anyone can play with them, swim through the water, teach them to say hello, and reward them with food.

Dream interpretations of a dolphin vary greatly from one context to another. It doesn't mean the same if he's swimming in the sea alone or with other animals such as whales and sharks. They can be alive or dead, adults or babies, pink or blue.

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What does it mean to dream of finding money?

What does it mean to dream of finding money

Dream of finding money It is one of the dreams that everyone has had at least once in their life. Do not think far from it that you are an unscrupulous or greedy person if you have that dream, it is normal. Everyone in one way or another is looking for money either to live from day to day or to have some luxuries. If in this article you do not find the meaning you are looking for, maybe you should read about dream about money, even if it is virtual money. This is truly a dream that no one would want to wake up from. And we live in a world that is only guided by money.

We need it so much on a daily basis that it is impossible for us to forget that it exists. Thus, dream of finding money It is something that can be interpreted in many ways, so it is best to analyze situation by situation. Did you know that, depending on the way you act in the dream, if you are going through financial difficulties or not, and your way of conceiving the world, the final interpretation can vary drastically?

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