What does it mean to dream of flies?

What does it mean to dream of flies

You want to know what does it mean to dream of flies in detail? The flies flying are one of the most annoying insects, especially when there are many. Dreams about them develop mainly in the summer season, when they emerge outside to rest on your body incessantly.

That this happens to you is normal, since there are areas where there are so many swarms that they end up posing even in the mouth. When your dream is associated with this experience, no interpretation is usually attributed to it.

Generally, flies are the symbol of little problems that flutter through your head, small daily fears or insecurities and doubts when making some decisions. But you should know that dreaming about them has many meanings, since it is not the same if the subconscious shows you large or small, alive or dead, at home, in food or on your face, along with worms and mosquitoes ... It is important that you remember the context of what you have dreamed of to obtain an exact interpretation and be able to extrapolate it to your reality.

What is the meaning of dreaming about flies?

First of all, I am going to show you the most frequent cases. When in your body you have a plague of flies, it means that you feel jealous for a certain person. In fact, in the dream it is possible that that person is the one who is full of insects. Later, we have minor interpretations, such as dreaming of an infidelity and there are flies in the distance.

What does it mean to dream of many flies

Obviously they are there for something, but the subconscious has not given them enough prominence to take them into account in the dream interpretation. Additionally, it is advisable that you extrapolate the dream situation to your own personal situation, to your feelings and personality, to the feeling of having flies around you in reality. It may have been fleeting thoughts, or if these bugs make you very disgusting, you could be developing an internal hatred towards someone around you, envy or jealousy, as well as a disturbance of the mind that you should clarify as soon as possible. But there are many more meanings and interpretations dreams about these living beings.

More interpretations and symbology of flies

Dream about flies in the house. It means that your concerns are of a family or domestic nature. For example, in a specific month you have financial difficulties to make ends meet and as a result of this the nightmare arises.

Or, perhaps, you have argued too much with your partner about the decoration of the house, the purchase of an appliance, the change of ceiling or the school that the children will go to.

Hurry to make a decision that benefits both of you.

Dream About Big Dead Flies. Actually the interpretation of this dream is very positive. It symbolizes your willpower when it comes to solving life's problems.

Likewise, the size (large or giant) of the fly is directly proportional to the severity of what happened to you.

It means that you are able to find remedies to overcome the most difficult obstacles and thus achieve professional and personal success.

Are they flying over the food, the house, or the mouth? It indicates that a small concern is brewing in your head, and the subconscious is warning you of it.

It can become quite an annoying dream, especially when there are many flies or larvae posing on the food you are going to eat (for more information read the article on dream of eating).

Are they green flies? Sometimes they perch on your bed, or on the ceiling. The color green means that your headaches are purely cheap.

You worry about money, if you have difficulties because your salary has been lowered or you cannot pay the mortgage, review your superfluous expenses in order to reduce them to the maximum.

It is not a difficult task, I assure you. When your concern is greater, you will see that you feel how they bite you with mosquitoes (see article dream about mosquitoes).

Do they perch on a dead person? If in the dream you witness one or more flies feeding on a dead person (it would not hurt to know what does it mean to dream of death), it is interpreted that some real or physical death is going to be the cause of your problems.

Disputes occur daily in the distribution of inheritances, where some family members deserve more than others. Also, the nightmare arises because you did not settle some issues with the deceased person.

Have you dreamed that you kill the dipteran insect? Again, if you are able to kill all Muscidae that fly over your body, indicates that you are strong to solve any problem in life, whatever it may be.

You have used one device or another, such as a trap, insecticide or your own hands.

Are they with other animals? You are likely to dream of flies, cockroaches, bees and spiders at the same time. To find a clear interpretation or psychoanalysis, you should read the articles on sleeping with other animals.

Look for them in this blog in the bar that you will find on the right.


If this article about what does it mean to dream of fliesThen I recommend that you visit other related ones in the section of dreaming about animals.

? reference bibliography

All the information on the meaning and interpretation of this dream has been prepared using prestigious bibliography developed by leading psychoanalysts and experts in the field such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung or Mary Ann Mattoon. You can see all the details of the specific bibliography by clicking here.

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