What does it mean to dream of vomiting?

What does it mean to dream of vomiting

El I dream about vomit it is quite common, but its interpretation is more complicated than it may seem. In order to get a good interpretation, we must start by knowing exactly what we mean by threw up; The stomach has a protection mechanism that expels those elements that cause alterations in our body, and they do so through this substance. If a substance is in bad shape, if there is excess acidity in the body, or many other reasons, vomiting is an option to free our body from that unpleasant situation.

Based on this, we can now put ourselves in a situation. Of course, it will not be the same to vomit bile, blood, worms, or different types of colors. Even to see someone else's vomit. There are different options that will have to be weighed.

What does it mean to dream of vomiting?

Generally, dreaming about vomiting means that we find ourselves in a situation that we consider impossible, and that we are not able to leave behind. We feel stress, pressure and overwhelm or something that oppresses us and we need to break free. However, this is a generic interpretation: it will be crucial to delve into the analysis of our dream, in the details and in the elements that compose it, to arrive at a much more accurate final interpretation.

What does it mean to dream of vomiting

Usually a dream like this represents a situation from which we wish to escape or get away from a harsh reality. We feel oppression by something that overwhelms us and we need freedom. But, apart from this generality in which the rejection of a thing or person is our greatest concern, it is essential to delve deeper into dream psychoanalysis, since depending on the objects that are vomited, the people who are in it and the place where the events occur, influence the final interpretation. Although it may not seem like it, Vomit dream does not have to be negative. For example, in the case that you feel free, after having overcome your problems, vomiting means leaving all the bad behind, freeing ourselves from it.

Dream of vomiting blood

Although it would not be good in the real world, dreaming that you vomit blood refers to love, and it may be that you are going through a bad situation with your partner, or that you are going to have a crisis with many dislikes.

It is also possible that your own subconscious is warning that you are not comfortable in that relationship and that it should think about whether or not you continue with him or her. You can also read more about the meaning of a dream with blood.

Dreaming that you vomit worms

In this case, worms are associated with problems that must be eliminated as soon as possible, something that can be quite uncomfortable. For example, they can affect our work, a person who is burdening you in some way, even something you have done, that you think is wrong, and that your subconscious is reminding you non-stop. Spend a bit with the previous dream: in the event that by expelling them you feel better, it is synonymous with that you are on the right track. You can understand it much better if you read about what does it mean to dream of worms.

Dream of vomiting excrement

It is related to the need to let go of our personal fears, to face that situation that is overcoming you, and how much stress it causes. It usually occurs in those people with low self-esteem, shy or introverted, who do not dare to do something, or who are taking inappropriate actions. You can read more about dreams of poop and excrement.

If you dream that someone vomits

See a person around us vomit means you need help, but that he is not going to ask us because he does not dare. You may have a serious problem, but you may not be doing anything to fix it.

If I really go out where you can lend a hand, you should take the step, since you are going to feel much better and you will be able to strengthen your relationship.

Dreaming that a baby is vomiting

EIn the case that you have children, it is possibly related to the vertigo you experience when you do not know how cope with parenthood or maternity. It can also be related to a chaotic childhood; the dream meaning in this case is associated with the fact that you see yourself as a baby eliminating what you did not like.

I have dreamed that I have vomited in public

This means that you are afraid of making a fool of yourself in front of others. You may be stressed, distraught, and you might even wake up in cold sweats in the middle of the night. The most common meaning of this dream is that you need money and you are afraid to ask a family member or friend for it, since you may think that you are going to fail.

Dreaming of vomiting until your teeth fall out

Even from the force of vomiting, your teeth can fall out. In this case, you can also read about what it means to dream about how your teeth fall out.

Video about the meaning of dreaming about vomiting

We know that all this information about dream about vomiting such a result of interest. You can also read more about dreams that begin with the letter V.

? reference bibliography

All the information on the meaning and interpretation of this dream has been prepared using prestigious bibliography developed by leading psychoanalysts and experts in the field such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung or Mary Ann Mattoon. You can see all the details of the specific bibliography by clicking here.

5 comments on "What does it mean to dream of vomiting?"

  1. In my country, bolivia, dreaming of vomiting is a good omen or that they vomit is abundance, those who dream of vomiting find wealth like being I saw that they found several veins of mineral the day after their dreams, it usually happens, they almost always find fortunes

  2. I dreamed that I was throwing up milk in the sink and then listening to a song ... I woke up nervous and with pain in my body

  3. I dreamed that I and my companions began to pump very hard

  4. I dreamed that my partner and his daughter had vomited and almost suffocated me, what does it mean


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